Advanced IT Asset Lifecycle Management
Our Advanced IT Asset and Lifecycle Management
services Help You Get the Most Out of Your Technology
Investment From Procurement – Through to Disposal.
IT Works Advanced Asset Lifecycle Management service provides expert assistance to help manage your company’s IT assets. From automated discovery and inventory of new purchases along with existing owned hardware and software, you will know what you have and where it is – from acquisition to disposal. This service allows you to extend the lifetime of your assets and realise maximum value of your initial IT asset investments, and proactively plan and budget for future replacement activity.
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We’re here to help at every phase.
No matter your position in the technology lifecycle, we offer the services and solutions that enable your business to make better decisions — saving you time, money and headaches.
Integration services
Time to roll out new technology? We’ll help you make the best decision based on your needs and configure devices to your specifications.
Deployment services
Setting up technology in multiple locations can get complicated. Our experienced staff navigates deadlines, downtime and timelines.
Warranty services
Controlling IT repair costs is crucial to any budget. Get the coverage you need through our extended warranties and support services.
Unexpected technology faults can hinder productivity. We’ll help you repair, replace and dispose of equipment — securely and efficiently.
Asset Disposition
We’ll help you reduce risk and remarket retired hardware securely with proper compliance and reporting while protecting the environment.
IT Works will assist you by providing expert guidance on current and emerging technology and work with you to complete your IT strategy for the next financial year
• Assess existing assets
• Ensure resources are available
• Find under-performing or excess assets
• Confirm maintenance and warranty
• Estimate options for procurement and provision
IT Works will manage your procurement activity,
purchasing new devices and/or extending warranties
for devices that are in service but uncovered
IT Works manage the operation of your estate under the Managed Desktop/Server/Voice/Cloud agreements. Regular asset reporting will be provided monthly
IT Works maintain your operating environment under the Managed Desktop/Server/Voice/Cloud agreements
IT Works will identify any devices that are unable to have warranty extension well in advance and will provide advice on replacement activity
Lifecycle Management
Taking care of your assets
If users are the heart of your organisation, then your assets are the lifeblood that keeps them going. One can't survive without the other. For users to be able to perform at their peak, they need the right tools to get the job done.
IT asset management—knowing the status of your IT assets from the moment they're purchased to the time they are disposed of, is critical to reduce costs and boost productivity. This service manages vendor contracts and warranties, keeping you informed of the entire status of your IT estate for better planning and budgeting.